The Tree of Life,
Vijaysar’s Wisdom from the Ancient World:

Bioveda Vijaysar (Pterocarpus marsupium), the Indian Kino Tree, very highly acclaimed as an efficacious solution in Ayurveda for healing and rejuvenation. The heartwood, leaves, and resin from the tree are all employed in ancient herbal treatments for natural body and mind balance.

  • Latin: Pterocarpus marsupium

  • Scientific Name: Pterocarpus marsupium

  • Family: Fabaceae (Leguminosae)

  • Common name: Vijaysar, Indian Kino Tree 

  • Scientific Name: Palaquium rovandense 

  • English Name: Malabar Kino, Indian Kino Tree

  • Used Part: Bark, Heartwood, Leaves, Seeds

Nature Gifts to Diabetes Management:

For centuries, Vijaysar has proved extremely good in diabetes management. This wood, which is an herbal extract, when soaked in water, yields bioactive compounds that act by:
Nature Gifts to Diabetes Management
Regeneration of pancreatic beta cells

Regeneration of pancreatic beta cells.

Decreased glucose absorption in the intestine

Decreased glucose absorption in the intestine.

Increased levels of insulin and proinsulin

Increased levels of insulin and proinsulin.

Delayed onset of diabetic complications

Delayed onset of diabetic complications.

Decreased levels of blood glucose concentration

Decreased levels of blood glucose concentration.

Energize Your Body with Ayurvedic Bioenergetics:

Energize Your Body with Ayurvedic Bioenergetics
Rasa (Taste): Rasa: Kashaya, Tikta
Guna : Laghu, Ruksha
Veerya: Sheeta
Vipaka: Katu

Effects on Tridosha: Balancing Kapha and Pitta dosa for combating ailments due to their imprudent imbalance.

Vijaysar Capsule
Vijaysar Capsule

It's Wonder:

Mother Nature's storehouse of antioxidants

Immense Polyphenolic Strength:

Mother Nature's storehouse of antioxidants.

gastrointestinal health

Tames Digestion:

Restoration of gastrointestinal health with reduced glucose absorption.

joint agony

Brings Down Inflammation:

Perfection for joint agony and conditions of a chronic nature.

Promotes Longevity

Promotes Longevity:

For complete detoxification and living.

Supports Diabetes Management

Supports Diabetes Management:

Reduces thirst, urination, and unexplained fatigue.

A Holistic Protector:

excess body fat

Weight Control:

Helps reduce excess body fat naturally.

Joint health

Joint Health:

Pain and edema relief.
Blood Cleansing

Blood Cleansing:

Detoxifying and normalizing internal systems.


That nurturing.
Holistic Protector

The Ageless Cure for Life's Little ills:

The Ageless Cure for Life's Little ills

External Applications:

For swelling, skin issues, and allergic dermatitis.

Take a local application of resin for stabilizing

loose teeth. 

Cell healing fractures and benefits the skin. 

Internal Benefits:

Taking care of diarrhea and dysentery. 

Helps in raktgami (bleeding disorders) and vata-pitta imbalances. 

Alleviation of fatigue and chronic inflammatory conditions.